zoo to Museum

The best laid plans… well, you know.

The plan was to spend the day walking through the zoo, checking out the animals, and exhibits. We knew there’s too much to see in a day, but we would see as much as possible. The idea was to head out around 6:30 AM, pick up the grand daughter around 7:30, grab a breakfast at a drive thru, and by the time we find parking, it would be around 9AM. Opening time.

We had a picnic of PBJ’s with us, and planned on supper on the way home later.

Our start time was set back by 2 hours. No surprise. Granema intends well, but doesn’t always manage time well.

On the way, the grand kid decided on a museum. The Magic House. Good choice, although a walk outdoors would have done me good. The exhibits were indoors. Air conditioned… yea! And she had a lot of fun with all the hands on, kid friendly displays. She really liked the ones for vetinarians, baby doctors, and art. Lots of sciences and math. There was a little town where kids learned how businesses work. Banks, pizza parlor, power company, and lots more.

I think she was amazed that grandma and grandpa could be so much fun, she lives in Tennessee so we don’t get to see her often. When they come for a visit, its usually to see her other cousins, and other side of the family.

My son, the youngest, just got back into driving truck, so had his boss put him on short routes where he can be home every night to spend time with the girls. They came up without mom. They were only on vacation for 2 weeks, and go home this weekend. A mice visit for us.

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