Revisiting thePurpose of

I started a home page a long time ago to learn how to code in HTML. I don’t do that anymore. Well, I still do, but not for creating web pages. Through the years the site has evolved and taken on many different forms. The main purpose though is to be a landing spot for family to touch base with, and get a tidbit of news or humor. Family news, not the horrible events that fill the airwaves of TV or print media of news sources.

Most close family members probably never come here. They already know the news of what’s happening. I get more feedback from distant relatives than anybody. Distant in geography, or distant in relationship. I especially enjoy hearing from those folks, and learning how we’re connected.

I used to be a lot more active with the site, posting blog articles, digging up family tree info, and that sort of thing. I guess I’ve found different hobbies to occupy my time. I’m challenging myself though. I’m taking a writing challenge, and its about time. This site needs more fresh, creative, and original content.

I started keeping a personal journal a while back. Don’t worry, I’m not about to air any dark thoughts here. I really don’t have that many dark thoughts, even in the stuff I’d never share here. If you want a taste of that kind of thing, go visit my podcast network, where I talk about that kind of life happenings. Heltsley Podcast Network. Listen, subscribe, and go rate the shows on iTunes, it helps in more people being able to find us.

That’s a whole different realm for me, but this blog is more concerned with writing, and the podcast is geared for talking about pretty much the same things. Life, family, and holding it all together.

I hope that by reading this, I’ve connected with you on some small scale. Why not drop me a line to tell me, so I’ll know too. Did I say something that mirrors a life event you’re going through? Did I write something that helped get through a hard time, or overcome one of life’s hardships? I hope so. You don’t have to be family to get in touch with me. If something that shows up here is funny, or helpful, you’re one of the people I would enjoy hearing back from.

I don’t know if I can keep up the pace of a daily writing challenge through the whole year, but that would be cool. You can make it happen by giving me an encouraging word to keep it up. I’m lazy, and you can help to inspire me. Well, I’m also pretty busy with my podcasts, and other commitments. If I accomplish anything from it, maybe I’ll make the world a little brighter, and meet some people who have the same likes, or challenges, or life outlook as me. Maybe I’ll meet some people who don’t, and we can shed some light into the lives of each other. I’m all for diversity, but you can’t have diversity without a little disagreement, and disagreement does not equal hate. It’s just one more facet in the big picture. Who knows, maybe I’ll have enough content to make a book out of it.

That’s a short look of where I am, and how I got here. Help me keep the blog evolving.

The Challenge:
Day One: Introduce Yourself to the World

Today’s assignment: write and publish a “who I am and why I’m here” post on your blog.

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