Money Matters in Church

A focal point is something we acutely need in order to negotiate the maze of choices and all the tugs-both internal and external-concerning money and possessions. In his book Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster suggests,

Inwardly modern man is fractured and fragmented. He is trapped in a maze of competing attachments. One moment he makes decisions on the basis of sound reason and the next moment out of fear of what others will think of him. He has no unity or focus around which life is oriented.

Such a focal point is just what Jesus provides in Matthew 6:33 when he says, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” The importance of Jesus’ words cannot be overstated. According to him, everything hinges on putting the first things first.

What would this week look like if you really sought first God’s kingdom and righteousness-particularly concerning your money and possessions? As you contemplate purchases, financial decisions, or lifestyle choices, stop and ask, “How can I seek first his kingdom and his righteousness right now in this choice?” If the answer isn’t immediately clear (and often it won’t be), consider waiting before acting, if possible. Invite a few trusted believers into the conversation. Pray about it. Let Scripture speak to you. Seek the Spirit’s guidance.

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