If You Abide, Day 16

Key Scripture:

John 15:7. “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.

Key Idea:

Here is the difference between the branch of the natural and the branch of the spiritual Vine. The former abides by force of nature: the latter abides, not by force of will, but by a divine power given to the consent of the will. Such is the wonderful provision God has made that, what the power of nature does in the one case, the power of grace will do in the other. The branch can abide in the Vine. If ye abide in me…ask whatsoeve r…
— Murray

Pray for revelation:

Yes, Lord, the power to pray and the power to prevail must depend on this abiding in Thee. As Thou art the Vine, Thou art the divine Intercessor, who breathest Thy spirit in us. Oh, for grace to abide simply and wholly in Thee, and ask great things!
— Murray

Key words:

In this verse is the whole message of abiding. It is a two way street. As we commit to abide in Jesus, he also will abide in us. Abiding is not a demanding relationship, but one of mutual give and take.

As humans though, we are not plants, or branches. In nature, branches have no choice but to be what they are and they just grow, and produce, unless some outside force causes them to not remain with their vine.

We humans are animated. We have the ability to choose. We can choose to seek out the vine, and to attach ourselves. Our true place is to be part of the vine.

It is only because of past sin as individuals, but also as a people group, that has cut us off in the first place. It’s not too late to have the master farmer graft you back in.

Our one great effort should be to always keep abiding in Jesus. Always doing the things he desires. In doing so we can ask whatever we wish, and it will be granted to us. We are on the same page as Jesus, and doing what his desires are, those will also be our desires, and our prayers to complete those desires can only be granted.

There is only one condition to the promises that abiding in Jesus offers. If. It is God’s desire to see each of us be fruitful. It is the desire of each person to live a life that is fulfilled and satisfying. Jesus provides the way for that to happen. The decision is up to each of us. Enjoy a powerful prayer experience. It is the immediate reward for abiding. Not to mention the long range results, but more on that tomorrow.

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