God’s Real ArmyGod’s Real Army

The embedded video is from the book: Placebo, by Howard Pitman

Take time to listen to these few excerpts from that book. Listen to the testimony of the vision he was allowed to have, and to the message he was sent to tell.

If you don’t believe in visions, or take such things with a skeptical attitude, that’s OK. Just listen and take the words at face value. There’s still an important message to be learned. Consider it a modern parable.

If you believe in the God of the universe, and his words that we have in the pages of the Bible, then you just might be touched, shocked, and amazed at this message. Secrets that Satan doesn’t want you to know are made plain.

Learn the deception and complacent trap that the devil wants Christians to believe. Learn a little of the tactics being used against Christians, and the world at large. Most of all, learn the weapon available to use to fight back against this unseen enemy.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wivgDck1l88&w=560&h=315]


If you don’t care to take the hour it takes to discover the details of this revelation of spiritual warfare, here’s 5 points to understand.

  1. Deception. Like the Laodicean church, Satan wants to make you believe the worship within the walls of the church building is all it takes. He wants to let you believe you can live for yourself the rest of the time.
  2. Satan is real.
  3. Complacency. As in the days of Noah, people are complacent in their ways. Believing things won’t change. Signs are on the horizon, but nobody recognized what it means.
  4. Represent. Be ambassadors for Christ, 24/7.
  5. Join up. God is recruiting his army. He’s gathering and training those who will demonstrate His power.

Think you have what it takes? Strength? Boldness? Accomplishments? Is that a bar set too high for you? Try humility, sorrow, and a broken heart.

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