Registration Options

If you didn’t click this page, and you’re reading this, either you don’t have permission to view the page you clicked on, or it could also be that you may need to log in, or register first.

Here’s your big chance to become a member of Heltsley Home Page, use the selection box to make your choice.

Recurring subscriptions

Payment option 1: Get started for only $1

Get started for only $1 for a month of member priveledges. The payment will recur each month, and Paypal will automatically bill you with what ever payment method you set up with them. You can stop your payment at any time by visiting Paypal and cancelling any future billing.

Payment Option 2: Jump right in with an annual membership

Why bother with monthly bills? When you pay for the whole year, you actually get a discount. It’s like paying only about 80 cents per month, or getting 2 months for free.

Option 3: Be a Gold Member

No, I’m not talking about a cheesy Austin Powers movie. If you really like the site, why not show it in a big way? Pitch in every month to keep the server bills paid up with a recurring $20 monthly payment.

Watch for more services

This is the space to watch for more buttons to gain more access as more premium content is posted. There could even be options to pay as you go, so you can avoid recurring payments, and grab only the content you want.

Why Join as a Member?

Actually, if you click on my contact page and email me, I’ll tell you all about it.