Or, The Roof is Caving In
What makes an item on the Internet go viral? I’ll get to the point. I have a personal need and hate to even publicize it. The conventional wisdom is to dive into the world of Crowdfunding, but I don’t have all that big of followership, and certainly not a very interactive one.
Here it is: Help Keith and Robin Heltsley reroof our house

I don’t have Crazy things like cute cat videos, I’m not out to raise a few dollars to make potato salad, or have something horrific to share like a crime in progress. You know… the kind of thing that might make a total nobody soar to the forefront of public attention.
If you can manage it, share, share, share this page with online friends, and encourage them to read about our need and shared post, worry about the need, pray for the need, but just may not be able to contribute financially, or only in a limited way. The viral attention is vaccinated before it has a chance to circulate.

I have a need that has fallen flat right from the starting line. But it doesn’t have to stay there. Even if you can’t contribute to a fundraising cause to help with moving a mountain of debt for a struggling family, there’s always one extra thing anybody can do as you say that silent prayer and move along to the next item in your busy timeline.
Click the share button, You have people in your circle of friends and followers that they don’t have. Those people also have a different circle of friends.
Part of crowdfunding is getting the word out to a crowd, so if you can’t contribute, at least share
our Gofund Me page. where you can Help Keith and Robin Heltsley reroof our house.
In the article on the page, you’ll read about our leaky roof on our house, our 5 grandchildren who live with us, and the possibility of a failed furnace to go with our long-dead air conditioner. You will also read about the estimate on the roof repair.
What you won’t read about is that both my wife and I are disabled. She has a bad back, hips, and joints in general. I’m a blind veteran but receive no monetary compensation for the disability that was the deciding factor in ending my 17-year career. We get by on minimal disability income. Our combined income puts us right at the poverty level.
You also won’t read that we have worked hard to improve our credit rating and savings. Still, we are only just over halfway to the estimated repair to the roof. Not counting other repairs that are desperately needed.
- You won’t read that we own the property outright, which is a bonus, since, with the condition of the roof, we can’t qualify for homeowners insurance.
- You won’t read that we can’t get a loan amount high enough to make the repairs, since we can’t show proof of insurance.
- You won’t read that we can’t get insurance until the roof is fixed.
- You won’t read that doing an insurance inspection may reveal other areas that need repair before we can cover the house with insurance. Namely the heating and cooling.
It’s a catch 22, and we need help to break out of the cycle.
Visit Help Keith and Robin Heltsley reroof our house
If you can: share, share, share