Blindness, Excerpt from Chapter 4. Help, I’m Lost

Section D. General Rules for Helpers i. Ask if help is needed. This may seem obvious, but it can save a lot of trouble. Here’s an example. When I was in the Boy Scouts, I was posed with a problem in a class in first aid. You’re walking in the park on a sunny day,… Continue reading Blindness, Excerpt from Chapter 4. Help, I’m Lost

Adventures in the Life of a Blind Computer Geek #anticipation

Or, the Joys, and Risks of Computer Upgrades Decided to see if my desktop computer would upgrade to Windows 10. I reserved a copy shortly after it was released, but balked for months. Then I discovered my video card might not have compatible drivers. Not to mention, I knew my screen reader technology wasn’t going… Continue reading Adventures in the Life of a Blind Computer Geek #anticipation


Author unknown Sighted people are accustomed to viewing the world in visual terms. This means that in many situations, they will not be able to communicate orally and may resort to pointing or other gesturing. Subtle facial expressions may also be used to convey feelings in social situations. Calmly alert the sighted person to his… Continue reading HOW TO ASSIST A SIGHTED PERSON