Education: Listen and Do.

Let’s look at some keywords in this passage. Listen, observe, live, possess, given, add, take, keep, and command. If you notice, these are all verbs. All but two are things that we humans are to do. The others are A promise from God and his command that this is true, and the right things he wants for us.

Grace: Source of Blessing and Curses.

God is good. He has a plan. Maybe Abram didn’t fully know what it was to be, but he knew that God was about to use him, and bless him in a big way. I like the way it appears in the original Hebrew grammar. Using double words to show the emphasis on the actions that Abram is to do, and the actions that God will do.

Just because a power is within our ability, doesn’t mean we have to act that way. Show grace and choose to not curse others. God’s preference is to be a blessing to all the wworld, keep his preference and keep extending grace and blessing to others.

Many Kings Fail to Heed God: Bible Survey for New Christians

Jeremiah 1:1–17 Summary: The time And the calling of Jeremiah His prophetical visions of an almond rod and a seething pot His heavy message against Judah God encourages him with his promise of assistance  1:1.  The words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah, of the priests who were in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin,… Continue reading Many Kings Fail to Heed God: Bible Survey for New Christians

Saul Fails and is Rejected: Bible Survey for New Christians

1 Samuel 15:17–23 Summary: Samuel denounces unto Saul God’s rejection of him for his disobedience  15:17.  So Samuel said, “When you were little in your own eyes, were you not head of the tribes of Israel? And did not the Lord anoint you king over Israel?  15:18.  “Now the Lord sent you on a mission,… Continue reading Saul Fails and is Rejected: Bible Survey for New Christians

Humanities Disobedience: Bible Survey for New Christians

Judges 2:10–19 Summary: The wickedness of the new generation after Joshua God’s anger and pity towards them  2:10.  When all that generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord nor the work which He had done for Israel.  2:11.  Then the children of Israel did… Continue reading Humanities Disobedience: Bible Survey for New Christians