Blindness, Excerpt from Chapter 4. Help, I’m Lost

Section D. General Rules for Helpers i. Ask if help is needed. This may seem obvious, but it can save a lot of trouble. Here’s an example. When I was in the Boy Scouts, I was posed with a problem in a class in first aid. You’re walking in the park on a sunny day,… Continue reading Blindness, Excerpt from Chapter 4. Help, I’m Lost

The Shoemaker and the Dragons #ffairytale

Inspired by the recent National Fairytale Telling Day on February 26th, I started a thread on Facebook to come up with a spontaneous tale. Told on the spot, and added to one contributor at a time. Here’s the result. Written by one other Facebook contributor, and myself. I had hoped for more participation, but I’m… Continue reading The Shoemaker and the Dragons #ffairytale

Teddy and Val, Act 1

A Valentine’s Day Love Tragedy (in 3 acts) Slipping into her favorite, comfortable pajamas, Val rested on her bed, with her back against her pile of pillows and menagerie of stuffed critters. She scooped up her tablet, and swiped through her messages. Photos were posted. Friends were tagged. Likes, silly comments. ‘I can’t believe the… Continue reading Teddy and Val, Act 1

Lost Scene: Dark Clouds

“Can you believe this?” Dan asked no one in particular, as he folded the newspaper aside. “25 shootings, 4 stabbings, 3 homicides on thanksgiving day,” he paused for affect before going on, “and that doesn’t count more over the whole weekend!” The grizzled man sat his coffee cup down on the worn countertop at the… Continue reading Lost Scene: Dark Clouds

Kitchen Gravity

Everyone knows at least a little bit about gravity. If you drop something, it falls, the direction it falls is the direction we call down. For more advanced people we know that objects fall at the same rate, no matter their size. A bowling ball, and a golf ball will fall at the same rate,… Continue reading Kitchen Gravity

Help Me Launch My First Book, Christmas Timeline

I started this last year, but shelved the book due to not having it finished until after the holiday season. After pulling my file out of my storage archives, blowing the dust off, and reading up on what Amazon requires, I rounded up cover art, thanks to Doug McCoy, formatted my text, and worked through… Continue reading Help Me Launch My First Book, Christmas Timeline

KDP Rocket Accessibility Tutorial for the Mac-

I have recently been exploring tools to help in writing, and self-publishing. Most times, effort is placed on the writing process, but that’s only about a third of the work in putting your written masterpiece out there for the public to enjoy. It also takes some good editing, formatting, and cover art. Then there’s the… Continue reading KDP Rocket Accessibility Tutorial for the Mac-