Lottie Moon Offering

Southern Baptist churches collect the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for the sole purpose of supporting international missions. Every penny of the offering goes to the International Mission Board’s overseas budget, thus supporting our missionaries and their work. 

Evangelism & Missions Mentions

2010 Lottie Moon Offering ~ Are We There Yet? God knew and was preparing His people, calling across denominational lines to focus their attention on bringing all the world’s peoples to worship Him. Southern Baptists, along with our Great Commission partners, have followed His lead, tackling the ever steeper climb to fulfill the Great Commission… Continue reading Evangelism & Missions Mentions

Baptist Children’s Home Christmas Child

Pick up Jared Casey’s Christmas wish list in the lobby if you would like to contribute to this 17-yr-old’s Christmas through our church. Save your receipts! Surrender wrapped gifts and receipts to Linda Riley in early December. She will gather the items for Jared together and deliver them before their Christmas Party on December 12th.

Samaritan Purse Deadline

We’ve had 89 boxes that are now packed and ready to be delivered–praise God! Many thanks to all those who donated items and who volunteered their time to make this mission effort a success. The absolute last day to drop off donations of complete boxes (wrapped) is Sunday, November 21st. Delivery is Tuesday, Nov 22nd.… Continue reading Samaritan Purse Deadline

The Promised Christ is Born: Bible Survey for New Christians

Luke 2:1–20 Augustus taxes all the Roman empire. The nativity of Christ. An angel relates it to the shepherds, and many sing praises to God for it. The shepherds glorify God.  2:1.  And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered.… Continue reading The Promised Christ is Born: Bible Survey for New Christians